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All Fact Sheets

2020/02 - COVID-19 Pandemic Response Resources

2022/02 - War in Ukraine Mental Health Resources

2023/10 - Israel-Hamas War Mental Health Resources

A Leader's Guide to Risk Communication in the Face of Emerging Threats

Active Shooter: What You Can Do to Mitigate Harm

Addressing Alcohol Misuse (Provider sheet)

Addressing Needs of the Mentally Ill - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Addressing the Needs of the Seriously Mental Ill in Disaster - En Español

Addressing the Needs of the Seriously Mentally Ill in Disasters

Adherence: Addressing A Range of Patient Health Behaviors

Advancing the Health of the Family Left Behind

Alcohol and Your Health

Asking for Help (Family)

Asking for Help (Provider Sheet)

Assessment Instruments for First Responders and Public Health Emergency Workers

Assessment Instruments for Special Operators

Be Calm Be Clear Be With Talking with Children about Coronavirus

Becoming A Couple Again

Body Recovery and Stress Management for Leaders and Supervisors

Business Leadership in Bioterrorism Preparedness

Caring for Children After Parental Death

Caring for Patients’ Mental Well-Being During Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks: A Guide for Clinicians

Caring for Your Family During Flu Season

Commanders' Guide to Risk Communication in the Face of Emerging Military Threats

Community Support for Military Children and Families Throughout The Deployment Cycle

Coping with Stress After A Mass Shooting - En Español

Coping with Stress Following a Mass Shooting

Coronavirus Preparedness & Response: Critical Elements for Business Planning

Criminal Mass Casualty Trials: Enhancing the Psychological Health of Victims and Witnesses

Depression in Primary Care

Disaster Preparedness and Response for Our Nation's Military and Their Families

Disaster Related Death Managing Concerns About the Dead or Missing

Disasters and Poverty: Natural Disasters Disproportionately Affect the World’s Low-Income Countries

Discussing Coronavirus with Your Children

Ebola: Facts for Healthcare Providers

Ebola: Facts for Maintaining Your Health

Ebola: What You Need to Know if You Live in the U.S.

Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks: How Healthcare Personnel Can Support Military Families and their Health

Evidence-Based Management of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Family Planning for Disasters

Family Readiness: Preparing Your Family for Uncertain Events During an Infectious Disease Outbreak and Other Disasters

Family Readiness: Preparing Your Family for Uncertain Events During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Other Disasters

Fight COVID-19 with Better Sleep Health: A Guide for Hospital Workers

Finding the Right Words to Talk with Children and Teens about Coronavirus

Firearm Leadership to Reduce the Risk of Suicide and Harm

Flu Season: What Military Healthcare Providers Should Know

Funerals and Memorials A Part of Recovery

Grief Leadership - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Grief Leadership During COVID-19

Grief Leadership: How to lead after a tragedy- En Español

Grief Leadership: Leadership in the Wake of Tragedy

Guidelines on Notifying Families of Dead or Missing Loved Ones

Health Literacy (For Provider)

Helping Children Cope During Deployment

Helping Children Understand Frightening Events

Helping Homebound Children during Infectious Disease Outbreak

Helping Homebound Children during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Helping Military Personnel Who Experience Work-Related Trauma Exposure: Recommendations for Military Leaders

Helping National Guard and Reserve to Re-Enter Workplace

Helping People After a Loss

Helping People After a Loss - En Español

Helping Personnel Who Experience Work-Related Trauma Exposure: Recommendations for Supervisors

Helping Students After a Disaster

Helping Students After a Disaster - En Español

Helping Students After a Disaster - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Helping Victims of Intimate Partner Violence

Helping Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in Military Populations

Helping Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Guidelines for Military Clinical Providers

How can I get a service member to seek help

Information for First Responders - En Español

Information for First Responders - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Information for First Responders on Emotional Reactions to Human Bodies in Mass Death

Information for Healthcare Providers in Body Recovery from Mass Death

Information for Relief Workers on Emotional Reactions to Human Bodies in Mass Death

Initial Primary Care Screening for Severe Psychiatric Illness

IOM Report Factors of Interest to Behavioral Health Providers

IOM Report Factors of Interest to Community Leaders

Leaders' Guide to Risk Communication in the Face of Emerging Public Health Threats

Leaders’ Guide to Risk Communication in the Face of Coronavirus and Other Emerging Public Health Threats

Leadership After a Possible Suicide or Suicide Attempt: Sustaining Readiness and Caring for Unit Members

Leadership Communication - Anticipating and Responding - En Español

Leadership Communication: Anticipating and Responding to Stressful Events

Leadership Communication: Anticipating and Responding to Stressful Events - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Leadership in Disasters

Leadership in Disasters - En Español

Leadership Stress Management

Leadership Stress Management - En Español

Leadership Stress Management - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Make Sleep A Priority

Managing A Workplace After a Crisis - En Español

Managing a Workplace or an Organization after a Crisis - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Managing a Workplace or Organization After Crisis

Managing Family Conflict While Home During an Infectious Disease Outbreak: Intimate Partners

Managing Family Conflict While Home During COVID-19: Intimate Partners

Managing Stress of Children After Disaster - En Español

Managing the Stress of Children After a Disaster

Managing the Stress of Children After Crisis

Managing the Stress of Holiday Gatherings During COVID-19

Managing the Stress of Returning to Work After COVID - 日本語 (Japanese)

Managing the Stress of Returning to Work after COVID-19: A Guide for Supervisors

Measurements of Military Community Resource Adequacy

Media Management in Body Recovery from Mass Death

Mental Health and Behavioral Guidelines for Preparedness and Response to Coronavirus and other Emerging Infectious Outbreaks

Mental Health and Behavioral Guidelines for Preparedness and Response to other Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Mental Health and Behavioral Guidelines for Response to a Pandemic Flu Outbreak

Mental Health Resources Relevant to Ebola

Military Families on the Move

Military Leadership in Stressful Situations

Notifying Families after a COVID-19 Death

Notifying Family Members After Unexpected Deaths: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers

Optimizing Sleep in an Operational Environment: A Guide for Service Members

Pandemic Planning and Response: Critical Elements for Business Planning

Personal Firearm Safety Counseling for Primary Care Providers

Physical Distancing Socially Connecting (6 Feet)

Physical Distancing Socially Connecting (Using Technology)

Planning, Preparation and Response to Emergencies

Preparing, Responding and Coping with the Stress of Mass Shootings

Primary Care Strategies to Foster Health Care Seeking in Service Members

Principles of Caring for Combat Injured Families and Their Children

Principles of Psychological First Aid - 日本語 (Japanese)

Prolonged Operations in Personal Protective Equipment During COVID-19: Recommendations for Workers and Managers

Prolonged Operations in Personal Protective Equipment During Infectious Outbreaks: Recommendations for Workers and Managers

Protecting Personal and Family Safety

Psychological and Behavioral Issues Healthcare Providers Need to Know about CBRN Events

Psychological Debriefing after a Crisis: Current Evidence

Psychological Effects of Quarantine During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know

Psychological Effects of Quarantine During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: What Public Health Leaders Need to Know

Psychological Effects of Quarantine During the Coronavirus Outbreak: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know

Psychological Effects of Quarantine During the Coronavirus Outbreak: What Public Health Leaders Need to Know

Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Psychological First Aid-CtC

Psychological First Aid: How You Can Support Well-Being in Disaster Victims - En Español

Psychosocial Concerns after a Natural Disaster - En Español

Psychosocial Concerns after Natural Disaster Tips for Health Care Providers

Public Health Emergencies: Implications for Military Families and their Health (Provider)

Public Health Emergencies: The Role of the Military Family

Recovery After Witnessing a Traumatic Event

Recovery and Reintegration for Healthcare Workers Following COVID-19 Surges

Recovery in Aftermath Workplace Violence: Workers - En Español

Recovery in the Aftermath of Workplace Violence Guidance for Supervisors - En Español

Recovery in the Aftermath of Workplace Violence: Guidance for Supervisors

Recovery in the Aftermath of Workplace Violence: Guidance for Workers

Reintegration Roadmap Shared Sense of Purpose

Resources for Recovery: Impact of TBI on Military Families and Children (Family Sheet)

Resources for Recovery: The Combat Injured Family, Guidelines for Care (For Providers)

Resources for Recovery: The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on Military Families and Children (Provider sheet)

Resources for Recovery: Guidelines for Helping Your Family After Combat Injury

Restoring a Sense of Safety in the Aftermath of a Mass Shooting: Tips for Parents and Professionals

Restoring a Sense of Well-Being in Children - En Español

Restoring a Sense of Well-Being in Children - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Restoring a Sense of Well-Being in Children After a Disaster

Restoring a Sense of Well-Being in Children After a Traumatic Event: Tips for Parents, Caregivers and Professionals

Reuniting With Your Loved One

Safety Prevents PTSD: Injury Prevention at Work

Safety, Health and Preparedness A 9 /11 Anniversary Message for Military Families

Safety, Recovery and Hope After a Disaster - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

Safety, Recovery and Hope after Disaster

Safety, Recovery and Hope after Disaster Helping Communities and Families Recover - En Español

Screening for Child Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Guidelines for Clinical Providers

Shift Work: Managing the Challenges of Disrupted Sleep Patterns and Extended Duty Hours

Staying the Course

Strengthening Military Families to Support Children’s Well-Being

Stress Management for Leaders and Supervisors of Mortuary and Death Care Operations during Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Stress Management for Leaders and Supervisors of Mortuary and Death Care Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stress Management for Parents

Stress Management in Mortuary and Death Care Operations during Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Stress Management in Mortuary and Death Care Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Suicide Facts (For Families)

Suicide Facts for Primary Care Providers

Supporting Families of Healthcare Workers Exposed to COVID-19

Supporting Military-Connected LGBTQ+ Youth: Tips for Helping Professionals

Supporting Personnel Following Training Exercises

Sustaining Healthcare Continuity (For Providers)

Sustaining Operations and Preventing Burnout During COVID-19: How Leaders Can Help

Sustaining Psychological Wellbeing of Caregivers - En Español

Sustaining the Psychological Well-Being of Caregivers While Caring for Disaster Victims

Sustaining the Well-Being of Healthcare Personnel during Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Taking Care of Your Family During Coronavirus and Other Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Taking Care of Your Family During Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Talking with Children about Coronavirus

Teachers Helping Students: Listening and Talking

The Doctor-Patient Relationship

The Health Consequences of Disasters and Evacuation

The Impact of Invisible Injuries (For Families)

The Impact of Kidnapping, Shooting and Torture on Children

The Invisible Injuries of War (For Provider)

Tips for Caring for Your Newborn and Yourself

Tips for Coping when Quarantined with COVID-19 Family Members

Tips for Safely Soothing a Crying Baby

Traumatic Brain Injury (For Families)

Traumatic Brain Injury (For Providers)

Ukrainian - українська

Understanding Post Deployment Stress Symptoms: Helping Your Loved Ones

What Military Families Should Know About Depression

When A Loved One Dies from an Infectious Disease

When a Loved One Dies from COVID-19

When Family Members are Hospitalized due to COVID-19

When Losses of Loved Ones Are Not Acknowledged — Understanding Disenfranchised Grief